August 15, 2008


May have lost some entries between June & now... hopefully I'll be able to get them back on: they're still in my entry list, but may have to put them back in manually... we'll see!

Posted by Jessica at 11:33 AM | Comments (0)

August 10, 2008

These are from Sandra, who got them from Anet, who got them from Molly. (Keep the chain going!)

I started this back in August and left some things unfilled in... will make a note if it's something I added today!

What is outside my front door: our front porch which may or may not have a bicycle on it... followed by the fence & gate, followed by my car, followed by a rural state road...

What is on my mind: working on a knitted bookmark & why doctors over-medicate patients with mental illness issues.

9/24: Things I am thankful for right now: I'm thankful for my family, our puppy, Pixel who makes us laugh & is turning into a good friend.. our dog Goldie, our cats for being cuddly and funny.

What I am reading: I was reading T is for Trespassing by Sue Grafton but need to get back to it... (update 9/24, still haven't gotten back to it, but am reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.. I'm enjoying it, lots and WILL eventually get back to T is for Trespassing!)

Goings on inside the house: puppies are playing, 10 yr old & one 13 yr old is awake (are awake??) 9/24 almost 11 yr old is ding something with paper, Pixel & Goldie are sitting quietly, looks like Pixel's going into nap mode.

What I am listening to: sounds inside my head

What I want: an interesting life, peace...

Things I'm creating: bookmarks & knitted toast for Summer Olympic Yarn Smackdown
9/24 going into the finishing stage of a scarf I'm making for my aunt as a late birthday present or Rosh Hashanah present

9/24: Things from the kitchen: potholder, cast iron pan, cast iron dutch oven, large stainless steel cookpot, cupboards filled with various canned goods, pasta, rice, etc..

9/24: What I have planned for today: go into town to pick up some mailing supplies as I've run out of large envelopes & bubble wrap... knit on the scarf, knit on the swatch for MS4 stole to see if I should continue working with a #5 needle or drop down to #4... walk for at least 30 minutes if my calf allows it, ride

What I have planned for this week: swimming, walk-feed-play with puppies, every other month meat pick up, we'll see what else!
9/24: Spiral Scouts meeting SHOULD be tomorrow night, work at the animal shelter on Saturday afternoon, walk, practice the race walking technique... clean kitchen cupboards out

9/24: Some current favorites: I still don't have a main favorite color, blue-green or rainbow... I love variegated yarns... knitting... watching TV shows on DVD (tho would prefer to watch them on TV but we don't have the antenna up, it blew down & we need to replace it...and we don't have cable/satellite... but I'm wondering if we should cancel Netflix & go with Dish network), checking mail & blogs &

This post was started on August 10th, 2008 and finished on September 24th, 2008... thanks to blog issues!

Posted by Jessica at 07:28 AM | Comments (0)